The Facebook Algorithm

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facebook algorithm

You may have seen ads from online marketers claiming they have cracked the code on the Facebook algorithm and they are giving away the secret for $XXX.

Well, I hate to break it to you but it’s not possible to understand the Facebook algorithm. From what we’ve all been told, it changes, frequently — so if someone has figured it out (which again, is unlikely), it’s just gonna change in a few months anyways.

Here’s a short and sweet story that I just experienced with the Facebook algorithm.

The last few weeks, I was spending a lot of time in groups, listening to what people were saying and responding when I had something helpful to share.

And then last week, I noticed that I was no longer seeing my friend’s posts!

Almost every post was from a group and maybe every 10-15 posts was a friend’s post.

I wanted to see my friend’s posts! I also want to know what’s going on inside the groups that I’m a part of. And to see business pages that I follow.

Can you relate?

I wanted to write to Facebook:

Dear Facebook,

I so appreciate how you offer this free platform for all of us to connect to others around the world. It’s awesome. I’m a big fan. I even made it a part of my job 11 years ago! But can you just scrap the algorithm and give us a healthy balance of our friends posts, business pages and groups?

Please and thank you.


Of course, there is no one to write that letter to at Facebook but how nice would it be if there was, and they would listen?

All that being said, there is a way to get your posts in front of your fans:

  • Create quality content that connects with, and engages, your community
  • Respond to people who interact with your page
  • Post regularly
  • And accept that there are things you can’t control!

Do you notice anything strange happening on your Facebook or Instagram feeds? I’d love to hear from you!

Have a beautiful day.



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