From Overwhelmed to Organized

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Today I’m sharing with you how to get more organized and efficient in your business, and possibly even in your life [if you’re like me ?]

I’m going to walk you through how to use a digital to-do system for your business. The one I use is [there are others out there but Asana is the one that I prefer].

The people who I’ve recommended this system to [and who use it on a daily basis], they have become so much more efficient and organized in their businesses.

They get their work DONE.

They feel less overwhelmed and scattered.

They don’t lose track of any of the little details and they are regularly showing up, growing their business and connecting with their community.

Because they know exactly what’s coming up, they know what they need to do that day, plus what’s coming up in the next couple of days and weeks ahead.

I would guess most of you, like me and my clients, have a whole lot going on, all the time – in your personal and professional lives.

This system, when used on a daily basis, can help you keep all your to-do’s organized AND make you more efficient. In life and in business.

It makes you more aware and mindful of how you are working in your business and what you need to be working on. You get to decide what the priorities are, and what needs to be done when, in order to ensure that EVERYTHING gets done.

I not only put every single task that I have to get done for my business and for all my clients, but I also put all my life to-do’s.

So if I have someone coming to visit me, I’ll put something like “clean the guest bathroom and make the bed” and put a deadline of when to get it done.

I use it for everything, and I really feel like I am so efficient and organized. Very few balls get dropped in my life and it’s because I start every day by opening up and looking at what I have to do.

I always know what’s coming up so it also helps me plan better.

Another perk? You can use Asana on your phone.

If I’m out and about and I think of something, I can easily just type into the app and leave myself a quick note. It syncs to my computer so there’s no need to email myself notes then transfer that information into a to-do list, or write them in a notes app on my phone and then forget that they’re there!

If you have team members, you can also assign tasks to them and everyone can be on the same page.

Now, I know a lot of people like to use paper and pen. I have a friend who [a long time ago] had a million post-it notes all over this computer and desk. I couldn’t figure out how he functioned!

I personally like Asana because [1] I like trees and oxygen so I don’t like using paper and pen, but also [2] because everything is in ONE place. AND it’s searchable – for both incomplete and completed tasks!

It’s so simple to use and that’s what I’m going to walk you through right now.

Here are a few ways that I use Asana:


  • Reminder to pay bills or do bank transfers
  • Things I want / need to buy
  • Tax preparation


  • Client tasks
  • Service renewals [software, website, etc]
  • Ideas [ie IGTV video topics, new blogs]
  • Projects – new programs and services
  • Website updates / maintenance
  • Content creation
  • Research that I want to check out
  • Courses that I’ve signed up for
  • Reminders to regularly organize computer folders and inbox
  • Daily or weekly reminders to create Instagram stories

One more quick tip!

ALWAYS assign a due date. You can change it, if necessary, but not including a due date moves it to the bottom of the list and you may not see it and may forget about it completely . . . so it never gets done.

Have questions? Leave me a comment below!


PS. Ready to learn how to simplify your business tasks . . . to show up online with more confidence, authenticity, intention and a lot more ease? Come check out my online marketing, mindset and strategy training, Simplified for Business! [and it’s only $37 RIGHT NOW!]. I would love to see you inside.


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