Productivity in a Pandemic

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productivity in a pandemic

Productivity in a Pandemic

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I know a lot of people are struggling right now – finding it difficult to focus and decide what to do, and what to work on.

They can’t get their heads wrapped around how to show up in their business and how to support their clients and their customers – while also taking care of themselves.

I know, for many, that it’s been difficult to set aside time like you normally would, to work on your business — because your mind is going in all these other different directions.

And that’s completely normal and natural. This pandemic is unprecedented and none of us know how best to show up and serve, while taking care of ourselves.

So today I’m going to invite you to consider doing just ONE thing.

And that may mean just ONE task per day for your business and to break it down into small little steps so maybe you just do one small step for your business per day.

If you have the energy and the time to continue on and do more, feel free.

But if you really can only do just that one thing, feel good about that.

Here’s another quick tip – don’t multitask.

For me, I stopped multitasking months ago, and that has been a lifesaver for me because multitasking pulls me in so many different directions, all at one time. And it leaves me feeling more scattered and with a lot less energy.

So do your ONE thing today. Get it done, feel good about it and move on.

Right now, you probably need to also give yourself some space, some time to process all that is happening. Time to connect with people via phone or message or however it is possible for you.

Find balance in each day.

Set aside a little bit of time for your business, do a couple little things maybe just one maybe a few, and then also make time for yourself for self care.

If you have a big project you’re working on for your business, break it down into small little steps and just do one of those steps today.

Hope you find this suggestions helpful and if you have any questions or comments, I always invite you to leave me a message or leave me a comment, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you so much for being a part of my community and have a beautiful day.


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