Online Program and Launch Management

Your Online Program Launch from Start >> Finish

Ready to create meaningful, positive change in the world?

It’s not easy to do it all on your own. 

I love supporting business owners and setting up online launches.

Know that my team and I are here for you.

Here’s how we can help


Launch project organization

Web development and membership site setup


Email and blog content for your launch series

Online marketing strategy and ads

Team Oversight

Web copy for landing pages

Video Editing


Survey development (pre / post)


Continuing support throughout the program


Presentation and Student Manual Development

Facebook group management

Overall guidance and support

The Details

With Chrissy and the SMW team by your side, you will receive both support and guidance for your online program launch. You will be able to focus on creating your program, making a difference in the lives of your community, while having very few worries about all the little details.

 We’ll take care of those for you.

We will custom create a launch strategy, based on your goals and deadlines.

We’ll get you organized and make sure everything looks good [we’ve never sent out a “whoops, the link in the original message didn’t work” email].

We’ll design your sales page based on current best practices. If you need a website or membership site, we’ll get that up and running as well.

We’ll create or edit your copy for emails, blogs and the website, so it sounds like you AND creates a positive reaction with your community.

We can take your written course, create a Powerpoint or Prezi presentation from it and then edit in your voiceover. Or edit a live video.

Based on the content in the presentation, we can then create your Student Manuals.

Chrissy will oversee other contractors working on the project.

Our philosophy:: One size does not fit all!

Chrissy will personally customize a launch strategy for you, based on your needs and budget. Let’s get started…

Keen on working together or want to learn more?

Your next step… click here to answer a couple quick questions that will help you gain clarity on what you need, help us get to know you better and to ensure we’re a good fit before getting on the phone.  You won’t regret it. Once submitted, you’ll be redirected to set up a complimentary call with Chrissy to discuss your needs and help you develop a successful online strategy for your business and online program.

What our clients say…

Chrissy has been my Online Business Manager since 2016. She has supported me in all aspects of my business – from programme development, membership website design, launch strategy, online marketing and sales funnels as well as team oversight and so much more.

Before working with her, I was overwhelmed and spread thin, doing much of the work on my own and managing several different team members. Now, I am able to stay on track with what I need to focus on, writing books, supporting my clients and creating new content for Calm Club, my monthly membership programme, while knowing that the backend business responsibilities are being handled.

She has helped me so much with my online strategy and with her support, I am able to continue to create new programmes, grow my business and help more people in living a calm life.

Charlotte Watts

Chrissy was my Online Business Manager from January, 2014 – March 2017. She is an excellent writer, brightly intelligent, and highly organized, and those business skills are supported by her extremely warm and caring attention.

My teaching philosophy and business branding are both highly personal and intuitive, and I seriously doubted I could ever outsource any major part of my business,  least of all my public and social media content, but Chrissy proved me wrong.

She has an incredible attention to detail, is a great self starter and a tireless worker. She listened to me and learned from me closely, and I feel honored to have her as the primary member of my team and thrilled that she has taken over as the creator and manager of all my online content.

As she herself is a yoga teacher, and on an intuitive and spiritual path of evolution, she is the perfect person to support anyone in the wellness space with their social media and online project management. francesca-logo

Francesca Cervero