There is no secret ?

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There is no secret


I originally did this blog as an IGTV (LOVE repurposing content!). I was wearing a hoodie and yoga capris – because as I mentioned in the video, it’s a little bit chillier here in Costa Rica right now and while I’m not going to share with you the temperature because it’s not that cold . . . for this hot weather girl it definitely requires a few more layers.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because today I want to talk about manifesting, and I very much 100% believe that I manifested my life in Costa Rica when I moved here back in 2012.

But there was a whole lot that happened between when I first started thinking about it (in 2008) that got me to where I am today and it’s not because of what everyone likes to refer to as the secret, or the law of attraction, or manifesting.

Like I said, I believe in manifesting. I fully wildheartedly believe that we can manifest whatever we want in our lives. My problem with “the secret” is that a lot of people that I know usually skip some steps.

They think that they can just speak it to the universe, or write it down every day, as to what they want, or meditate for hours on it (but they’re not monks so they don’t need to be meditating for hours).

I believe in meditation, but not hours and hours every day.

And in my 10 years of working with wellness professionals, I’ve never actually seen anyone accomplish or manifest what they wanted by just doing those things.

So how do you manifest everything you want in life and your business?

It takes what I like to call intentional action.

Let me repeat – I do believe in manifesting.

I believe in making intentions, on getting clear on your intentions and what it is that you want in your life and your business for today, for this month, for this year, five years from now . . .

What do you want your business to look like, where do you want to be living, who do you want to be as a person?

I think all of that is super important to get clear on, and always refer back to because it can shift and change depending on the changes in your life.

But then, some people tend to forget to take the next few steps.

The next two steps that I recommend are:

  1. Creating a strategy around those intentions as to how you’re going to make all that happen. And then . . .
  2. Outline what steps you need to take – what actions you need to take – in order to manifest your intentions and what you want in your life and your business.

(Note: if you have magically manifested something in your life without having to take these additional steps. I would love to hear from you. I’m open to exploring the idea, I just don’t know anyone who has done it)

I really do believe that you need to set intentions, get clear on them, strategize and take action.

If you need help with that, please feel free to reach out.

I offer all three services:

  • Intention setting
  • Business strategy and setup
  • Implementation of the action steps

And I would love to support YOU in creating a thriving business and a life that you love.

Have questions? Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you.⠀⠀⠀

As always, thank you so much for being a part of my community, and have a beautiful day.



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