6 Tips to Simplify Your Business

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how to simplify your business

Just a quick note today to help you simplify your business [as that’s my a main focus over here at SMW – to make it easier for solopreneurs to run their businesses and connect with their clients and customers!].

  1. Use a task system [ie asana.com] to keep track of everything going on in your business.

2. Set boundaries. Example, no checking email after 5!

3. Schedule your posts. Don’t post “in the moment” on a regular basis. Get your posts scheduled (you can sign up for my free 5 day Content Creation Bootcamp here – dates will be announced soon!)

4. Let go of perfectionism. Embrace your perfectly imperfect self and your clients will too.

5. Get organized. Clean up your email, computer files, desk, everything!

6. Ask for help. You are not alone in this journey. There are people out there, myself included, who want to see you and your business grow and thrive!

Have a beautiful day.


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