Choosing your business name

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online business management and mentor

You may have noticed something a little different around here…

After nearly a decade of being “Social [media] Wellness™”, I’ve changed my business name.

It wasn’t an easy decision.

I have LOVED my business name since I first came up with it.

You see, I got my start as an entrepreneur offering social media strategy, content creation and blog writing.

And I mostly work with eco/social justice activists and health / wellness professionals in the online world – so it made perfect sense.

But… over the last dozen years in business, the types of services that I offer have changed.

Now my services include:

  • Online Business Strategy and Mentoring
  • Website Design
  • Membership Site Strategy and Setup
  • Course Development and Launch Management
  • Project Management and Team Oversight
  • Facebook and Instagram Advertising

I really didn’t want to change my business name. I had such an attachment to it!

But I was getting so many inquiries for social media support. And that’s just not the primary focus of my business anymore.

So, for much of this year, I’ve been sitting with the idea of changing it and waiting for the right name to come to me.

And it finally did.

I’m excited to announce that my new business name is:

Intentional OBM

Now I know, not everyone knows what an OBM is. And I went back and forth on the name, because of that.

In the end, I decided it was in the best interest for my business to use OBM in the name. Because that really is what I offer.

And I chose to use the word Intentional as that is still very much a core component of my business – to be intentional in everything I offer and with those I serve.

For those of you not familiar with the term, OBM stands for Online Business Manager. And, I would add to that – Mentor (one of my favorite things to offer – helping women get their business off the ground and take them to the next level!).

I took a huge deep exhale when I purchased the new domain and added it to my site.

It was the right time, and the right decision, for my business.

I’d love to hear from you…

How did you choose your business name?


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