How to get out of your own way

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How to get out of your own way

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To do anything good in this world, you gotta start with yourself. And often times, that means getting out of your own way.

Here are 11 ways to do just that:

? Stop dreaming [which can also sometimes be called “procrastinating”]. Start DOING.
? Read more. Learn more.
? Manage your budget. Debt can be detrimental to the small biz owner.
? Be mindful of your thoughts and words [as they become your actions].
? Wish others well. Be happy for their successes and don’t try to fix their problems – work on your own!
? Be MORE grateful.
? Use your pain to create positive change.
? Open your mind — there is more than one way to live one’s life and more than one way to run your business!
? Create a mission statement to help you stay focused [and put it somewhere that you will see every single day].
? Stop thinking you should be further ahead. Be where you are, right now. Focus on the journey [and the steps you’re taking], not on the destination.
? Always be humble. Entitled arrogance is not a flattering trait. Nor will it help you be a better person or connect more deeply with those who need your support.

PS. Want more mindset teachings? Get access to my bonus training, Mindset Matters, when you sign up for Simplified for Business, my online marketing, mindset and strategy training. It’s just $47 RIGHT NOW!


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