In Support of Strong Women

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Here’s to strong women: May we know them, may we be them, may we ask them if they need some help every once in a while. I’ve written a message for strong women and those who care for but may not always see them. I’d love for you to have a look and, if you’re so moved, to share it with your circles.

In Support of Strong Women

She stands on her own two feet.

Tired. Alone. Frustrated. Stressed. Anxious. Overwhelmed.

With heart broken open and soul aching (for more, for less, for peace).

Such a strong woman., they say, and walk away, in awe of what she has accomplished,

Blind to her invisible scars, the bruises of a life lived well and wild-hearted, the struggles she faces.

Failures, rejections, heartache.

She retreats, regroups, recovers behind the scenes as her world falls apart.

She rises up, bounding forward, supporting, stretching, giving to others even as she herself goes without.

Her mind racing, she shows up. She listens. She acts. Speaks out.

Stretches beyond herself and takes everything under the sun and stars into her arms. Touches lives.

Such a strong woman.

Behind that smile, the sparkle in her eyes, that polished, put-together, perfectly poised picture of stability, she is tired.

Spiraling. Sad. Unseen and unsupported.

She turns within.

She reaches her roots down, out, around her, solid, deep, steady, drawing strength through her body as she draws each breath into her lungs.

Patience, perseverance, passion, power.

She is bold, free, courageous.

Such a strong woman.

She may not ask for help—it’s never been her strong suit. Her smile unbroken, resolve unwavering, seeking her own comfort within.

She’s not alone, but she needs to know.

Do you see her? Might you be her?

Strength still needs support.

Maybe now is the time to ask.

Such a strong woman. . . . how can I help?


Over to you…

How are you showing up for the strong women in your life? How are you asking for support? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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