Never stop learning

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growth mindset in business

Today I wanted to hop in here with just a really quick note about LEARNING. [prefer to watch the IGTV video – click here]

I’m emphasizing learning because someone recently told me that they no longer wanted to learn anything new for their industry. They didn’t want to take any more courses, ever.

And I thought, “how sad” – I know that’s subjective, but I’m a lifelong learner and I truly believe in the power of learning. Of having a growth mindset.

And I know… I’m in the online marketing world and the online world is always shifting and changing and I gotta keep up with it…


I also believe that whatever profession you’re in – whatever your industry is – it’s likely there are new things that come to light and new ideas that come forward that you need to know about.

I would also venture to say that … you probably don’t know everything there is to know [no one knows everything!].

That there is always more to learn.

And it doesn’t have to mean getting another degree or a certificate program.

You can …

  • Pick up a book
  • Go to a workshop in person
  • Take an online training

Whatever it may be!

But always be open to learning.

Because when you learn new things, then you can apply that new knowledge to your business.

You can share what you’ve learned with your community, and it will help them – it will support them, in their lives.

AND … it will support your business and growing your business.

With what you’ve learned, you can create new products, new services and new offerings. It will help your business grow … and BONUS … possibly increase your profits!

Please always have an open mind for learning new things and implementing them into your business.

And if you have something new that you’re learning, share it with me below! I’d love to hear from you.


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