Do this one thing today for your business!

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facebook business tips

A quick tip to help you build your business…

Today, I want you to look at your Facebook profile – your personal page (not your biz!).

Do you have your business listed as your workplace?

AND… Is it public so that if potential clients or customers take a look at your profile, they can automatically see what you do, what your business is and can click through to your business page and / or website?

Time and again, I see personal profiles of entrepreneurs with absolutely NO information about their business.

It’s fine to leave other personal data private (your birthday, relationships, location, etc).

But be sure to publicly share your business!

You gotta be visible to get new clients and customers. (I know, that can be scary, we’ll talk more about that in a future blog…)

Want more tips, tools and templates to help you manage your business?

This tip came from my Simplified for Business, an online marketing, mindset and strategy training. You can buy it on AppSumo for just $37! And they offer a 60 day refund policy so you can try it out and see if it’s helpful for you and your business (I hope it will be!).


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