What NOT to do on Instagram [Part 2!]

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fancy formatting on instagram

Another quick post on what NOT to do on Instagram!

Last time I wrote about writing super long posts on Instagram. [read it here!]

This time, I want to write a quick note about formatting.

I bet you’ve seen someone who has used fancy text on their Instagram posts or in their Instagram bio. They’ve italicized or used block lettering or bold. Or some other kind of script.

I actually recommend against doing that…

Maybe it’s my 45 year old eyes, but it actually hurts my head to try to read posts and bios with fancy lettering.

Especially when it’s overdone.

Those fonts are not really made for readability. Especially not in an Instagram caption on a phone.

Sure, it can help you stand out a bit more.

But if the person seeing it . . .

  • Can’t read it with ease and
  • Has to take extra time to focus on it . . .

There’s a problem! [because again, people’s attention spans are short and if you make something more difficult for them, they’re just gonna keep scrolling by]

I’d also recommend against using LOTS of emojis in the bio. A few, here and there, are okay but don’t overdo it.

Remember what I said last time?

Edit. Edit. Edit.

Have questions? Have a different opinion? Reach out. I’d love to hear from you.



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