What’s an OBM? [and do you really need one?]

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business mentor and manager

Last time, I popped into your inbox and let you know about my business name change [you can read about it here, in case you missed it!].

This time, I wanted to share a bit more with you about

  1. What an OBM is and
  2. To help you decide if you really need one [as not every business owner does].

So, for my business, OBM stands for:

Online Business Manager and Mentor

For the “Online Business Manager” part, it means that I offer services like:

  • Website Design
  • Online Marketing Strategy
  • Membership Site Setup
  • Course Development
  • Project Management
  • Team oversight
  • Launch Setup and Strategy

Not everyone needs an Online Business Manager.

Many business owners need a virtual assistant – to help them with all the backend stuff that they just don’t have time for.

As your business grows, that’s when you might seek the support of an Online Business Manager. My clients often refer to me as “their right hand”.

Now, I also added in “Mentor” as the M in the business name.

Most small businesses could use the support of a Mentor.


Well, looking back on my own path as an entrepreneur, in the beginning, I made a whole lot of mistakes. Mistakes that cost me time, energy and MONEY. And that could have been avoided if I had someone by my side, guiding me.

It would have been a worthwhile investment – had I known about them, at the time.

Instead, those mistakes were all learning lessons that I now ensure none of my mentees make!

A mentor is also there for you, in those hard times, when you feel like you just want to throw in the towel.

All too often, I see business owners give up just before they’re about to succeed. It is heartbreaking to see so many businesses fail [that is not what I want for you].

Here’s another point to make about Mentorship: not every mentor will be right for you.

That’s why I always do an interview with potential mentees to ensure that I’m the right mentor for them. And that I can help them succeed in the next phase of their business journey.

Because the primary goal for my business is to see more female-owned businesses create successful and sustainable businesses.

Not sure if you need an Online Business Manager or Mentor? Book a complimentary call here and let’s chat. I’d love to get to know you and your business!


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