What do you value most?

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what do you value

Someone recently asked me what my top 3 values are.

It was hard to pick just 3!!

But I did narrow it down and one of them was “SERVICE”.

I work in service of others. To make the world a more happy, healthy and harmonious place.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a yoga teacher along with being an Online Business Manager.

When I first started my yoga teacher training, I only took classes in a classroom setting. I was learning the philosophies of yoga versus yoga on the mat. I eventually took a 200 hour program but my first exposure to teaching was about how to live in the world, versus how to do a pose on a mat.

And in those classes, I learned about the word seva – selfless service.

That was 20 years ago.

And it has been one of my core values since that time.

It’s why it’s so important to me to offer both free and affordable products and trainings. So that I can reach more people who might not be able to afford a $1,000 or $2,000 (or more!) training and who, in turn, will hopefully also want to make the world a better place with what they offer – their service to others and the world around them.

Working and living in service of others creates so many beautiful, positive ripples out into the world!

It creates a beautiful circle of continuous service.

Now, just to clarify, my online products are not seva – I am earning money, albeit a small amount and much less than so many of my competitors who charge hundreds or thousands of dollars for the same products.

But I do offer seva in others ways.

I believe that the more we can support each other, to be in service to one another, the better off we will all be.

Knowing what your values are, is a key component to running a business. I talk more about this important part of entrepreneurship in my online marketing, mindset and strategy training, Simplified for Business.

I’d love to know – what do you value most? What are your top 3 values?


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