Know Like Trust: Consistency
This is Part 2 in a series to help you build your business . . . with confidence, authenticity, intention and a whole lot more ease.
One of the foundations of business? The KNOW LIKE TRUST factor.

In Part 2, I wanted to emphasize a little bit more about how to strategize the “know like trust” factor into your business and into marketing.
And it’s really quite simple! [because you know I’m all about simplifying your business!]
It is simply this –
- Show up
- Be consistent
You cannot start and stop and start and stop and start and stop on social media and in online marketing – it just doesn’t work that way.
There’s so many people out there doing what you do that if you’re NOT showing up consistently, those other businesses will find your customers and your potential customers.
AND if you’re not showing consistently, your customers and potential customers will go find someone else who offers what you do because they need help!
If you’re only doing one blog post every three months, one email every few months, a social media post once every two weeks . . . they’re not going to remember WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU OFFER and HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM!
So the key is to have a strategy outlined — and implemented — into your business as to how you’re going to use online marketing to reach your community.
And that can be as simple as:
- You’re going to write two blog posts a month
- From those blog posts, you’re going to create two emails
- You’re going to ask questions of your community
- You’re going to ask them to reply to you
- And you are going to post on social media. 15 posts a month which is every other day, and it’s not that much!
If you’ve taken my Create Content with Contentment masterclass (get the full kit here), you know that I break it down super simple for you to be able to create those posts quickly, especially if there’s only 15!
Do it all in one day or one morning and then you don’t have to worry about it for another month!
And then next month you do the same thing.
Key takeaways – Your community needs you to show up and to reach out to them. They have to know who you are. And if you aren’t showing up regularly, they will forget!
They also have to like you. So you need to be authentic and genuine in all that you are saying and doing online.
And they need to be able to trust you . . .
And if you aren’t showing up online — out goes the trust.
Take that to heart. See what you can do.
Have questions? Leave a comment below or reach out, I’d love to hear from you.⠀⠀⠀
For more inspiration