What’s an OBM? [and do you really need one?]

Last time, I popped into your inbox and let you know about my business name change [you can read about it here, in case you missed it!]. This time, I wanted to share a bit more with you about What an OBM is andTo help you decide if you really need one [as not every...

Choosing your business name

You may have noticed something a little different around here… After nearly a decade of being “Social [media] Wellness™”, I’ve changed my business name. It wasn’t an easy decision. I have LOVED my business name since I first came up with it. You see, I got my start as...

6 Tips to Simplify Your Business

Just a quick note today to help you simplify your business [as that's my a main focus over here at SMW - to make it easier for solopreneurs to run their businesses and connect with their clients and customers!]. Use a task system [ie asana.com] to keep track of...
Do this one thing today for your business!

Do this one thing today for your business!

A quick tip to help you build your business... Today, I want you to look at your Facebook profile - your personal page (not your biz!). Do you have your business listed as your workplace? AND... Is it public so that if potential clients or customers take a look at...

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Musings on Small Business Saturday

Musings on Small Business Saturday

With the holiday season fast approaching, I thought I’d share today some musings on the starving artist myth, Small Business Saturday and how being vulnerable leads to true connection. I’ve found that the “starving artist” myth can quickly become a reality for...

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Can intention setting manifest a successful business?

Can intention setting manifest a successful business?

Today I wanted to do a follow up to my IGTV video about growth mindset [watch it here!] and how I said we should always be learning. I’m not taking that back. At all. But I want to describe the three types of business owners that I’ve seen and how falling into one of...

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Know Like Trust: Handling Negative Feedback

Know Like Trust: Handling Negative Feedback

[supsystic-social-sharing id='2'] This is Part 3 in a series to help you build your business . . . with confidence, authenticity, intention and a whole lot more ease.  One of the foundations of business? The KNOW LIKE TRUST factor. Continuing on with my series in...

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Know Like Trust: Consistency

Know Like Trust: Consistency

[supsystic-social-sharing id='2'] This is Part 2 in a series to help you build your business . . . with confidence, authenticity, intention and a whole lot more ease.  One of the foundations of business? The KNOW LIKE TRUST factor. In Part 2, I wanted to emphasize a...

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Please Remain Standing

Please Remain Standing

[supsystic-social-sharing id='2'] Sharing this post to help answer the question: In the social media for my business, should I talk about what's happening in the US (2020 Riots for Humanity)?YES. Here's why . . . [I share with you my own stories below]LOTS of other...

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Know Like Trust

Know Like Trust

[supsystic-social-sharing id='2'] This is Part 1 in a series to help you build your business . . . with confidence, authenticity, intention and a whole lot more ease.  One of the foundations of business? The KNOW LIKE TRUST factor. We need all three to be successful...

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Why the “cookie cutter” approach doesn’t work

Why the “cookie cutter” approach doesn’t work

[supsystic-social-sharing id='2'] Having been in management and administration for the last 20+ years and since 2010, dedicated to online businesses for eco and wellness professionals, I have seen a lot – a lot of good ideas brought to life and a lot of good ideas...

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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis.




Ready to level up your small business game?
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