Online Business Musings

strategy, mindset and marketing
Service with a smile

Service with a smile

To follow up from the last blog, I thought I'd write a little more about customer service. Have you heard the expression: The customer is always right. I ask because a few years ago, I asked that question in a group and it was surprising to see so many people who...

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I made a mistake…

I made a mistake…

These last few months, I've been recovering from major surgery AND major complications from that surgery. At the same time, I'm still trying to run my business. From the surgery, I have been dealing with "anesthesia brain" or possibly, at this point, I may have moved...

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Never stop learning

Never stop learning

Today I wanted to hop in here with just a really quick note about LEARNING. [prefer to watch the IGTV video - click here] I'm emphasizing learning because someone recently told me that they no longer wanted to learn anything new for their industry. They didn't want to...

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What do you value most?

What do you value most?

Someone recently asked me what my top 3 values are. It was hard to pick just 3!! But I did narrow it down and one of them was "SERVICE". I work in service of others. To make the world a more happy, healthy and harmonious place. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a...

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