What’s an OBM? [and do you really need one?]

Last time, I popped into your inbox and let you know about my business name change [you can read about it here, in case you missed it!]. This time, I wanted to share a bit more with you about What an OBM is andTo help you decide if you really need one [as not every...

Choosing your business name

You may have noticed something a little different around here… After nearly a decade of being “Social [media] Wellness™”, I’ve changed my business name. It wasn’t an easy decision. I have LOVED my business name since I first came up with it. You see, I got my start as...

6 Tips to Simplify Your Business

Just a quick note today to help you simplify your business [as that's my a main focus over here at SMW - to make it easier for solopreneurs to run their businesses and connect with their clients and customers!]. Use a task system [ie asana.com] to keep track of...
Choosing your business name

Choosing your business name

You may have noticed something a little different around here… After nearly a decade of being “Social [media] Wellness™”, I’ve changed my business name. It wasn’t an easy decision. I have LOVED my business name since I first came up with it. You see, I got my start as...

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6 Tips to Simplify Your Business

6 Tips to Simplify Your Business

Just a quick note today to help you simplify your business [as that's my a main focus over here at SMW - to make it easier for solopreneurs to run their businesses and connect with their clients and customers!]. Use a task system [ie asana.com] to keep track of...

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how to earn extra money in your business

how to earn extra money in your business

Today I'm talking about affiliate marketing - what it is, and what NOT to do. For those of you unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, here's a quick overview. Being an affiliate for another company is like being an ambassador. It should be... A company that you believe...

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The business lesson from A Miracle on 34th Street

Are you sensing a theme for this month? We're talking all about the importance of the client / customer experience. And today we're focusing on one key aspect from the classic holiday film, A Miracle on 34th Street: The Customer First Policy. To put people ahead of...

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Fake it until you make it?

Fake it until you make it?

I had a client a few years ago who hired a copywriter. She had been in journalism for a few years but had just entered the online marketing world. Without discussing it with me (a big no-no as I'm the impartial entity in this team dynamic!), she had convinced him to...

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Service with a smile

Service with a smile

To follow up from the last blog, I thought I'd write a little more about customer service. Have you heard the expression: The customer is always right. I ask because a few years ago, I asked that question in a group and it was surprising to see so many people who...

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How to lose customers (and referrals)

How to lose customers (and referrals)

I recently had the most bizarre experience in a facebook group and figured I'd share it here with you, as a reminder of what not to do as a business owner... In this group, I was replying to another member's post. I said that I was right there with her, being tired...

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I made a mistake…

I made a mistake…

These last few months, I've been recovering from major surgery AND major complications from that surgery. At the same time, I'm still trying to run my business. From the surgery, I have been dealing with "anesthesia brain" or possibly, at this point, I may have moved...

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Do this one thing today for your business!

Do this one thing today for your business!

A quick tip to help you build your business... Today, I want you to look at your Facebook profile - your personal page (not your biz!). Do you have your business listed as your workplace? AND... Is it public so that if potential clients or customers take a look at...

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Never stop learning

Never stop learning

Today I wanted to hop in here with just a really quick note about LEARNING. [prefer to watch the IGTV video - click here] I'm emphasizing learning because someone recently told me that they no longer wanted to learn anything new for their industry. They didn't want to...

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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis.




Ready to level up your small business game?
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